Wednesday, May 14, 2008

RESIPI 1 : Rendang Ayam Pedas

Rendang Ayam Pedas
(Hot Chicken Rendang)

½ cup desiccated coconut for the kerisik
1 ½ kg whole chicken, cut into 12 pieces
3 cups coconut milk made from 1 ½ grated coconuts and
2 cups warm water
1 turmeric leaf, sliced thinly salt and sugar to taste

Ground to paste the following ingredients:
8 shallots
3 cloves garlic
3 stalks lemon grass, sliced
½ cm fresh ginger
½ cm galangal
½ cm turmeric
5 bird chilies
3 candlenuts
2 tbsp chili paste

1. To make the kerisik, toast the desiccated coconut in the oven at 180° C for 20 minutes. Stir it from time to time till the coconut is
dark brown in colour.
2. Transfer the coconut to a grinder and grind till the kerisik is a smooth paste.
3. Mix the chicken pieces with the grounded ingredients (not the kerisik) in a wok, add the coconut milk and simmer for about half an
hour till the chicken is almost dry.
4. Reduce the heat and add in the kerisik. Add the salt and sugar to taste.
5. Add the turmeric and give a quick stir before turning off the heat.

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